This is a design I made, and then went over in Illustrator to make it look vector-y. 'Was maybe gonna use it for the mug design assignment in Illustration Topics, but ended up deciding on something else instead.

This is the sketch that I used (I believe for the final version) for a gouache assignment in Tools of the Trade, with the theme "can't live without". So, what I feel like I couldn't live without is ears, and listening/absorbing all the stuff I hear around me. I'm a pretty quiet person so I do a lot of listening... :P

These are two sketches I just brought into Illustration Topics class today for the subject of 'Opposites', specifically 'cheap and expensive' (chosen from a given list). I am going to actually change the 'cheap' one to be in a child's sandbox, with the mouse perhaps relaxing on a leaf floating in rainwater in a plastic sandbox toy or bucket.

These two are the first sketches I had for an assignment in Tools of the Trade using acrylic paint, with the theme of 'Animal/Human', which was pretty broad, but I decided on this idea of animals ruling the world instead of humans; a role reversal I guess. I also wanted to draw a determined-looking guy pooping.
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