Monday, November 24, 2008

Progress on Small Comic Book

The little mock-up I made:
The (really rough) draft of the story (drawn with ball-point pen, which I notice I like more than a pencil sometimes):

Here is what I have so far for my 16 page comic book that I'm making for my Foundation 2D class.  It is just a very rough draft so far, that I drew up.  I will definitely be making changes to the panel sizes and shapes on many of the pages.  The pages are supposed to be indicated just by the gaps between groupings of panels.  I also still need to add most of the text and dialogue, although I do have the basic plot outlined.  Basically, there's a slug who comes upon a massacre of his fellow slugs, who were tempted by some beer that a human left out to kill them with in a forest.  The slug is making his way back to a garden he maintains that sort of memorializes the slugs that have died, and briefly meets his female frog friend.  Then, the human shows up, and attempts to kidnap the main character slug, who apparently is a rare spotted slug that is a possible ingredient that some evil doctor needs (Yes, there is some possibly some crazy mystery involving a doctor who needs animals to make stuff; perhaps this guy wants a medicine of the doctor's).  A female bat character comes to the rescue, and that's where I left off and need to finish some panels.  I thought that it might seem a little fast, in how I introduce these characters, but then I thought it could maybe seem like a story that could be continued later (I'll still have a conclusion to this little story, though, of course).

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Happenings

Current art projects: a 16 page comic book for my 2D Foundations class, two sort-of-still life drawings for my Foundation Drawing 1 class, and putting more of my art on my website for my Media 1 class.

I just hung around at the Art Sale for almost two hours.  It was really dang cool; there were a TON of people packed in there, and I got to look at all the amazing work by my fellow students.  So much stuff that I was tempted to buy, although most of it was out of my spending range.  I did end up buying two small, nice $10 pieces, and one small $7 piece, by some talented up-and-coming artists (actually, all Comics majors I believe).  I think one of my illustrations might have sold.

As a Freshman here at MCAD, I'm still liking it a lot here so far.  The people, the art, the classes: all cool.  The only thing I don't like is how bad I feel about my social ability/life at times...I hope to feel less afraid to make steps to get better.

I don't know what else to talk about.  I can't wait for the Nine Inch Nails concert in Minneapolis on Tuesday night, and then going home for Thanksgiving Break after the concert's over.  I haven't seen my hometown, house, cats, and some friends for three months (exactly three months, in fact, tomorrow).  In addition to being thankful for having the opportunity to go to MCAD, I also have a great home, family, and friends to be thankful for back home.

Goodnight and good luck world

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

" I am."

Here I am, with a blog.  It's about 11:56 PM, and I should probably be getting to bed, to get some hearty sleep and maybe get rid of some more of this cold I have.  In the future, my blog posts will hopefully be more interesting.  Off to bed I go!